Friday, July 5, 2013

Why cable TV isn't worth buying

I'm in a hotel room with half a dozen 24-hour cable news networks.

They are all showing the same court case that I don't care about.

I've got TWO different CNN channels - both CNN and CNN Headline News.  They are both showing the SAME FEED from the SAME CAMERA in a court case I couldn't care less about.

The only channels that are showing something OTHER than this court case are the dedicated financial news networks.

I've got an hour before work when I can have a cup of coffee and check the day's news.  I do that on the internet with my laptop like a normal person.

Seriously, what's the point in paying for two different CNN's if they are both showing the same camera feed?  It's not like CNN is trying to compete with CNN.  The point of two CNN's was to have variety and options.

This is precisely why I cut the cord. 

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