Monday, March 5, 2012

Windows 8

Linux has repositories. Repositories are nice. Every distribution has their main repositories and it's not difficult to get software into them. People can even set up their own repositories in the form of a ppa. You can add or remove repositories from your system as you need to. The system gives you the control. It has been this way for years. It is good.

Apple saw this and thought... what a great way to make money! Enter the app store or whatever you call it. It's genius. Instead of person A making software and person B buying it, now person A pays apple money to put their app in the app store and person B pays Apple money to buy it. Apple gets you coming and going.

Now they have put this on their desktop Mac OS too. The newest version is restricted to ONLY allow software from the app store. Of course this can be overridden... for now.

Now comes along Windows 8. They changed the UI just enough to make you have to re-code your old programs for the new interface. And where will those new programs be? Why, in the app store!

What happens when they remove the override? What happens when you have to jailbreak your desktop too... or else only run programs from the app stores?

(on a side note, i believe paid app stores are making nice, good software harder to find while fart apps top the charts as most popular... but i digress...)

I didn't like the iphone and I don't like android because the user experience is too restricted to what the companies want you to have. They are taking over control of our devices.

And now it's spreading to our desktops...

Long Live Linux!

1 comment:

  1. I really wouldn't mind windows or mac if there was a developer version that had everything unlocked from the start... that would be nice...
